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- Nicole MacDonald
The Arrival (Birthright Trilogy #1) Page 2
The Arrival (Birthright Trilogy #1) Read online
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Wow. They’d look amazing, really finish off my look.
'Yes! They’ll be perfect, are they real?'
'Oh they’ve been blunted. Of course.'
The price was reasonable and she wrapped them in tissue paper as I counted out the notes.
I paused in front of the book store next door while my inner voices argued.
You don’t really need any more books, Cat, pointed out my rational voice.
A quick peek can’t hurt, countered my silly voice.
I pushed through the door setting the chime off. Taking my time I wandered around the musty smelling aisles. Then I spotted it. Easing the book out from the bottom of a pile I dusted off the worn green leather. The title was in beautiful script and it took me a moment to read.
‘To Improve your Time, Space and Place’
Interesting, I thought, I wonder what it's about? There were two tan straps with brass buckles that held it closed and I lay it on a table to undo them. The pages were yellow with age and carefully turning them, I scanned the words.
Ahh, a spell book! And it looks so appropriate too, though could use a good clean. Still, it’d be an awesome addition to my collection. Not that I really had space, but it looked so authentic. I carried it to the old man at the till and held my breath until he said the price.
'Twenty five dollars please.'
I resisted the urge to dance around, what a bargain. My phone beeped with a message as I was nearly back at the office. It was from Sian.
"Coming to archery?"
Right, forgot that was tonight. Juggling my parcels to the other arm, I typed back "yes".
Sian drew in a deep breath and let it out slow and even as she released the string. The arrow hit the target with a thud. Peering down the range she could see it was a bull’s eye.
'Bull’s eye. Nice one,' Cat congratulated her.
I’m so glad I bought that new bow; she thought, the results are certainly worth the price. The sense of validation was nice. Cat stood up to the line and drew her bow. Stubborn had to be Cat’s middle name at times, Sian thought as she watched her. Cat had bought the bow at a craft fair four months ago and was determined to prove its worth. While it was authentically styled she was unsure if it measured up correctly. It took a decent effort to draw and the accuracy…
'Damn.' Cat glared down the range.
Sian laughed at me.
'I don’t know why you bother with that bow, Cat, it’s practically an antique.'
I glanced at her and in a snooty tone replied, 'Because I like feeling authentic.'
She looked sideways at me.
'Authentically crap?'
Laughing, I objected.
'I wasn’t that far off bull’s eye.'
Our phones beeped simultaneously and Sian yanked hers from her pocket, reading aloud.
'Hey guys want to come to practice? We haven’t got many here. Fancy rounding out archery with a little sword fighting?' she arched an eyebrow at me.
'Sounds good. You pack the bows and I’ll get the arrows.'
Loi and Kass practice kenjutsu, Japanese sword fighting, and I love having a go at it when we get the chance.
Later that evening we were sprawled in the lounge watching T.V. Loi had decided to stay over and we were making a night of it. I went to hop up.
It felt like I'd pulled another muscle, or maybe two.
'What’s wrong, Cat? Old age getting to you,' Kassie teased.
'Nooo,' I said in a shocked tone. 'I’m only twenty five remember.'
The others sniggered.
'Nope, I just think it’s doing too much. Kenjutsu is lots of fun, but with archery and running too, I don’t think I could keep it up.'
Sian nodded in agreement then turned to Loi.
'Besides this way we have two archery experts and two swordsmen.'
I snorted and Sian’s grin widened.
'Don’t be too hard on yourself, Cat,' she teased, while ducking the pillow I hurled. 'You’re not that bad.'
'Oh,' I exclaimed. 'I forgot!'
I ducked off to my room and retrieved my day's purchases.
'What do you think of these for my costume?'
I gave Loi and Kassie a dagger each.
'They’re ideal, Cat,' Kassie examined the one she had.
'Are those real blades?'
Loi sounded disconcerted.
'They’ve been blunted,' I assured her. 'And anyway I’m good with a blade.'
'That’s what concerns me,' she mumbled giving me a wink while the others laughed.
'What’s this, Cat?'
Sian had the book I’d bought in her hands and a perplexed expression.
'I found that at the bookshop next door to where I got the daggers. Isn’t it gorgeous? I think it might be a spell book.'
Sian's eyebrows shot up and she wrestled with the buckles, opening the book and thumbing through it with small sounds of excitement. I grinned; maybe she’ll find a love spell in there.
The rest of the week blurred by, as I finished the costumes and dashed between work, various classes, runs and then bed.
Saturday afternoon the house was a pigsty as we raced around, tripping over Audi and each other trying to get ready.
In the end, I chased Audi out the back and went to check on Loi’s hair. I’d spent the good part of an hour setting it in rollers. It should be dry by now, hopefully.
I guess I can blast it with the hairdryer if necessary.
Loi strutted down the corridor toward me fully clad in her costume and wow, she looked amazing. The leather pants hugged her curves and the jacket sat perfectly over a white peasant top and corset belt.
I giggled when I reached her head.
'Lets get those rollers out, Loi, they so don’t go with your look.'
Soon she had a mass of ebony ringlets hanging past her shoulders. It looked stunning and I felt a pang of envy.
'C’mon, Sian’s got the hairspray and we don’t want them dropping.'
As we entered Sian’s room she tottered out of the closet struggling with her corset zip.
'Hold on,' I stood behind her and drew the zip up, it fit beautifully.
'Look at you, Sianus. A perfect tiny Selene.'
She beamed at us, then handed me a short black wig.
'Help?' and bent her head forward.
I fitted the front to her forehead then flipped it over. Snatching a couple of hair pins from the dresser, I slid them into place.
'Give your head a gentle shake,' I instructed; she complied and the wig stayed put.
Great. Two costumes complete, just two to go. I headed for the bathroom to see how Kassie was.
'Uh-uh shoo,' Sian ushered me out. 'I’ll sort out Kassie’s hair, you go get dressed. We have to leave in half an hour.'
Yikes. When had it got that late?
'Thanks,' I called as I went to my room.
My own costume was pretty simple.
Fitted tan pants that tucked into boots and then a green top I’d fashioned out of a dress. I’d shaped the top so it fitted well and had a low V neck with racer-back shoulders. The green was the perfect shade to enhance my eyes and showcase my pale skin and red hair. A bronze singlet added underneath meant I didn't freeze; winter in New Zealand was icy. Setting the straightening iron to heat, I hunted through my jewelry box for earrings. When Loi poked her head in the door to tell me it was time to go, I was ready and waiting. It started to rain when we drove off. I clicked the window wipers on while the others chatted.
'Hey guys,' Sian spoke up. 'How do you feel about casting the spell tonight? After the party.'
'I didn’t realize you’d found a spell,' I said, surprised.
'I found one in that book you bought. It’s to create the perfect conditions in which to meet your soul mate.'
There was a pause from the girls and Sian menta
lly crossed her fingers; please don’t chicken out.
'Why not?' Kassie winked at her in the rear view mirror.
'Sounds like a fun end to the night.'
Loi and Cat nodded in agreement.
Excellent, Sian thought running through the ritual in her mind again, double checking all the details.
Arriving at the address we found a car park and hurried inside. Poor Kassie shivered as we started up the stairs but by the second floor she’d warmed up.
'It’s not often you’re the scantily clad one,' I teased.
Her costume looked great and the red dress fit her like a glove, I’d only had to make minor adjustments. I reached out and tugged a curl.
'The red rinse looks fantastic, Kass.'
She flushed.
I wish my hair would hold like that, I thought enviously, my red mane tended to do its own thing, no matter how much work went into it.
Kassie had naturally curly hair and with Sian’s help she’d coaxed it into large curls, very Jessica Rabbit like. I glanced at Loi’s hair. Whew, the ringlets still held, I thought the rain might have ruined them. My own hair began to ping back into unruly waves.
Darn it.
We arrived at the door and smiled at the host as Loi introduced us.
'Brad, this is Sian, Kassandra, and Catherine.'
A tall, slim guy grinned at us.
'Welcome, I love your costumes. You’ve made one heck of an effort.'
'We never do anything by half,' purred Kassie while fluttering her lashes.
Brad laughed.
'My girlfriend, Fi, would love your costume. Jessica Rabbit?'
'Well done.' Kassie smiled and sauntered into the room, turning heads with her sultry walk. We followed. The room pulsed with music and people clustered about in groups. The others ducked off to say hello to friends while I wandered to the drinks table and grabbed a juice. Anne and her fiancé brushed past me, smiling and called out hello.
I chuckled, 'Love the costumes.'
'Thanks,' Anne blushed as they spun off.
Raggedy Ann and Andy, I shook my head, someone had to do it. Must get a photo, I thought, and turned to look for Loi who had the camera.
Hmmm, can’t see her. Hold on, who's that at the middle of that group?
The party was fun and Loi was thoroughly enjoying it. Cat had outdone herself on the jacket and Loi had a crowd of admirers. Pity none of them are of any interest, she thought.
Oh well, fingers crossed Sian’s love spell works. She turned and caught sight of Cat making her way over, so she pushed through the group of guys.
'Cat, what’s up?'
I beamed at Loi.
'Having fun?' I teased.
She flushed.
'What’s so important?'
'Can I have the camera? I want to take some photos,' I grinned wickedly. 'And it would seem you’re a little busy.'
Loi smirked, 'What’s wrong, Cat, jealous much?'
I stuck my tongue out at her.
'Nope. I just want the camera.'
It took ages for her to locate it, even though the clutch she rummaged through was tiny. That teensy purse could put Mary Poppin's carpet bag to shame at times. Eventually it emerged and I spun off to look for good shots. A hour later, I’d amassed all of ten photos. Finding a seat, I scrolled through them. Shelley had come as the Green Fairy from Moulin Rouge and next to the four of us, had to have the best costume.
The rest were okay attempts by local costume shops. It was mine and Sian's dream to one day own a costume shop.
Speak of the devil. I glanced up and noticed Sian sauntering my way. I’d swear half the room went quiet as heads swiveled to watch her. She’d done an amazing job with the costume; the corset was incredible.
The number of male heads that twisted to watch as she walked by, gave Sian a lovely sense of validation.
Oh I’m hot and you know it, she sang to herself. The costume was almost identical to the one worn by Kate Beckinsale in the movie. It’d taken hours to complete the corset and thankfully the playsuit had only needed to be taken in. It hugged her tiny, size six, figure like a glove and showed off her ass. With a serious lack of boobs, Sian was grateful she at least had an ass.
Cat watched in obvious amusement as she sauntered over.
'Having fun?'
Sian grinned.
'I am, Kitty Cat, and you?'
Cat hated that nickname and shot her a narrow look, making Sian's smile widen.
'Fine. Thanks. Actually, I took pic's of the good costumes. Want to take a peek?'
'Ooo-oo yes.' Sian seized the camera and began to scroll through the pictures.
'Wow. Is that Shelley? Oh I love her costume, I’m doing that next.'
'Actually I had an idea for you, how about a Goth Tinkerbelle?'
There was silence as Sian contemplated the idea.
'I saw a really good picture on the internet, I’ll show you when we get home.'
We chatted through the rest of the photos and discussed what we’d have done different, or which bits we liked.
In the midst of conversation, Sian looked past me.
'Hey! What’s that guy doing to Kassie?'
I jerked my head up and peered in the same direction. A large, belligerent male appeared to be making a determined effort to get in Kassie’s way.
I frowned.
'Let’s get over there.'
Dodging those dancing in the middle of the room, we came up to Kassie’s side. I glared at the moron.
'What’s your problem, mate?'
His eyes widened and he swayed.
Oh great, he’s totally pissed.
Smirking at the three of us, the oaf slurred, 'Shhheesss a black belt right? C’mon ya little pussssy, letss see what shhhe can do.'
A couple of his drunk friends nudged each other and snickered. By now, more people had realized something was wrong and I caught sight of Loi and Brad working their way through the crowd.
Kassie was relieved to have Sian and Cat on either side. Not that she couldn’t take the moron, even if he was six feet tall and about as wide, but it was nice to know there was back-up, if necessary.
Loi yelled something and the moron laughed then made a sudden swing. Kassie watched as his fist came, then took a step forward, grasped his arm and pulled while turning her body with her back to him. Bending at the waist, she hefted the idiot over a shoulder and onto the floor. It shook under foot and there was a loud gasp from those watching.
'Well done, Kassie!' I laughed and reached to squeeze her shoulder.
Sian and Loi laughed too, and then applauded along with those who'd seen. Kassie blushed and managed a smile.
'It’s not like we don’t practice enough for this,' she mumbled.
I gave her a gentle nudge; I knew how much physical confrontation affected her.
'Yes, but doing it in practice, and doing it in real life, are two different things.'
Kass had the same natural instinct for flight as I, and it's taken years of practice to overwhelm the instinct. We still work at it.
Kassie smiled up at Cat and clenched her teeth. While she might be prepared for such a thing, she didn’t have to like it and physical confrontations in everyday life always made her shake. Loi and Sian pressed themselves to her back and side, while Cat chatted to those around them. Brad and some friends dragged the drunk guy and his mates out of the party. Kassie gently bumped heads with Loi and Sian, silently thanking them for their closeness which helped stop the shaking.
I chatted away to try to distract Kassie, she hated people to see her shake after these sorts of things. Not that they happen often, but it seemed she had such an air of confidence about her that people enjoy challenging her.
Although the last couple of times it was women, the nasty cowardly ones who hang out in groups and like to threaten people to make themselves feel important. Once they had picked on Kassie I was pretty sure they’d stick
to someone their own size now.
I was delighted. That drunken jerk would be ribbed for the rest of his life after been whipped by a teeny female of just five foot. It was the least he deserved.
The party atmosphere shifted back to normal and we stayed to chat a while longer then Sian leaned over, whispering, 'I think we should head off now, probably enough excitement for one night.'
I nodded to her then glanced at Loi who led the way to the door.
'I’m so sorry about that guy,' Brad looked concerned. 'Are you alright? We can call the cops on him if you want.'
Kassie gave a tiny laugh.
'I think the humiliation of knowing you were beaten by a slight of a girl may be enough revenge.' She eyed him with a thoughtful expression, 'If you wouldn’t mind mentioning it to as many people he knows as possible…?'
We laughed and Brad promised to spread the news which made Kassie perk up as we walked to the jeep.
The drive home was quick and we gossiped about the costumes, avoiding any mention of the annoying incident. I pulled into the driveway and the others clambered out, then I locked the garage and followed them inside. Audi whined at the back door. I let her in and she followed me to the lounge where the others gathered.
'So? What’s the plan, Siany? What do you want us to do?'
Sian smiled at them.
'Actually, if you can grab all the candles in holders and bring them into the lounge, that’d be a good start.'
The girls disappeared off down the corridor and Sian turned her attention to moving the couches and chairs back, out of the way.
I flicked the light on in my room and stared around it. Yikes, I gulped. I have A LOT of candles in holders; it seemed to be the one present anyone could fall back on for me. My gaze dropped to the edge of the box hidden under my bed. It too was crammed full of even more candles and holders that I could no longer (sensibly) fit in my room.
I’ll just grab the ones that are out, surely that’ll be enough for Sian, I thought as I collected them.
Staggering to the lounge, I stumbled and ended up dumping them on the ground making Audi leap out of the way.