The Arrival Read online

Page 10

  IN A MURKY dreamland I tried to beat off horrible little creatures that wanted to chew on my legs, but my arms felt too heavy. I tensed, ready to whack one, when a firm hand on my arm startled me out of sleep and I jumped.

  Alek’s blue eyes once again stared into mine. I blinked rapidly and tried to collect my thoughts. The gentle, almost affectionate smile he gave me didn’t improve my scrambled brain and I just stared as he lifted me to my feet with ease.

  'The tent and beds are ready. C’mon, let’s get you and the others into bed.'

  Nodding dumbly, I staggered alongside Alek, who kept a firm grip on my arm while he led us into the tent. The sight of four cots set up with blankets almost made me cry in relief. I made a beeline for the closest cot and about to fall into it, halted, when Alek’s voice interrupted me.

  'Sabyn is bringing in a bucket of hot water for you all to wash and there’s a robe for each of you. We’ll talk properly after breakfast tomorrow.' He smiled at us, 'Sleep well.'

  Sabyn came into the tent with a large bucket of hot water and pointed out the soap and drying sheets on the small table beside my cot. Loi thanked him and he wished us a good night's sleep when he left. Somehow I managed to undress, clean myself and put on my robe without falling over, or asleep, in the process and finally surrendered my body to the cot bed. It even had a pillow. Bliss.

  Chapter Eight

  I WOKE TO an unpleasant ache in my ear and jaw and groggily went to push up to sitting then froze when everything wobbled, abruptly remembering the cot bed beneath me. Slowly I lay back down and shuffled about, managing to lie full on my back without tipping the bed over and stared at the green canvas ceiling. Sunlight shone hard on the tent, glinting through pinprick-sized holes in the fabric, warming our room to the point of stuffiness. The others still slept and I couldn’t hear the men in their part of the tent. Audi crept out from under the cot and stood next to it, laying her head beside mine and gave me little kisses on the nose. I giggled and reached a hand up to rub her ears when she started to whine at me.

  'Shhhh, we don’t want to wake the others,' I scolded in a quiet voice. Carefully this time, I sat up again and a gasp of pain slipped out. I winced, feeling bruises practically everywhere and had to resist yelping when I twisted, placing my feet on the ground. The cot bed wobbled again and I steadied myself, spreading my feet wider then groped for my boots, slipping each one on then lacing the backs.

  'It’s much easier to do when you’re sitting,' I whispered to Audi. Her tail thumped on the ground.

  Wriggling my jaw, I realized the ache I’d woken to was due to sleeping so heavily in one position. I don’t think I moved once since my head first hit the pillow. Gingerly, I drew a sleeve up, staring at the dark blotches all over my arm.

  'Oh goody,' I muttered at the sight of those bruises, knowing all too well that the rest of me probably looked like that too. Letting the sleeve slip down, I pushed up to standing, staying still until the nasty pounding in my head abated. Not so much a headache, just my body demanding more rest. My stomach, however, growled loudly making Audi cock her head. Spotting my filthy clothes and weapons, I scooped them all up before hunting down the bar of soap Sabyn had left us. Pushing our way out of the tent, Audi and I stopped when the sun hit us.

  What a truly stunning day, I thought, squinting, such a contrast to last night. The ground felt soft underfoot but the worst of the mud had dried out already. A voice called and I turned. Smiling while he strode toward me, one of the men spoke softly so not to wake the others.

  'Good morning, we thought you might all sleep the day away.'

  'I wish,' I said with a rueful smile, my brain clicking through the names until it registered; Daron. 'But I’m feeling a bit hungry. And if I want to wear these ever again I better wash them.' I held the washing pile away and wrinkled my nose at it.

  I held a hand up to shade my eyes and watched Daron laugh, unable to resist grinning at the jovial sound. The horrors of last night felt hard to comprehend at the moment in the sunshine and feeling of civilization that the campsite provided.

  'Gragnoll gunk isn’t nice, but it washes off and as for food, Gredel and Sabyn cooked a giant breakfast and left some aside for you all,' Daron said then looked down at Audrey. 'Even some for you,' he cooed at her.

  Audrey ducked her head at his voice and gave him her best coy look then rolled over demanding a belly rub.

  'Honestly, Audrey,' I scolded teasingly. 'You’re such a flirt.'

  Daron looked up from where he crouched beside the dog and grinned, making his brown eyes crease over strong cheekbones.

  'She knows a sucker when she sees one.'

  I laughed, watching the two for a moment longer then spotted Sabyn and headed his way.

  Breakfast consisted of bacon crisped till nearly black, mounds of shredded potato fried in the bacon fat and fresh but chewy bread rolls with an underlying tang like sourdough, toasted and generously buttered. A far better meal than I would have anticipated and I thanked Sabyn who waved it aside as he piled another mound of potatoes on my plate. He looked both out of place and totally at home; another well muscled man with longish blond hair tied back in a plait, a frying pan in one hand and a carving knife in the other, as he slid more slices of bacon into the pan with an ease of motion that suggested plenty of practice.

  When I finished eating I took a cup of water and moved a little away from the fire, sitting on a log and sipping at the water. I watched the griffons and the men, mind disbelieving at the enormous creatures.

  So very beautiful, I thought, feeling my heart speed up when the closest griffon, Loushka—the one Alek had slid down from last night—twisted to stare at me.

  She was a beautiful deep tan and her thick, luxurious mane glinted with red undertones in the sunlight. The mane covered her neck and shoulders to her wings, folded at her sides while she lay in the sun, the long stiff flight feathers prominent, the feathers a mix of dark tan stripes and red. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, feeling a thrill of delight and fear as those deep ochre eyes with slashes of pupils regarded me just as closely.

  A funny sounding whiny squawk broke my focus and I glanced over to see the dark-skinned man, Rumal, giving his griffon Kerak a good scratch on the neck. Kerak’s mane looked sparse compared to Loushka’s and I wondered if he was younger than her. The hilariously comical expression of pleasure on the griffon’s face had to be seen to be believed.

  Rumal glanced up to see me watching and laughed, his white teeth bright against his skin. A striking man, I couldn’t help but stare at his eyes—they looked like molten gold and seemed to swirl. Rumal appeared the shortest of the men but easily still a head taller than Loi. I felt positively tiny in comparison to all of them. They looked like guys that could easily take an opponent down, even without their spectacular sidekicks.

  I continued to watch while Gredel and Phroma appeared to communicate and the strawberry blond man fussed over her forepaw. Phroma seemed to talk to him but didn’t make a sound. You just got the idea from the way Gredel would glance at her and she’d cock her head or appear to nod or shake it. It fascinated me and I leaned forward on my knees, watching closely.

  Gredel turned and noticed me watching so I wished him a good morning. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rumal and Daron stiffen while Gredel turned a puce color at my greeting. Confused at his expression I went to turn to Sabyn who sat near me when Gredel suddenly belted out, 'I’m married!' and rushed off into the bush.

  I sat in open mouthed astonishment while the three men roared with laughter.

  'What on earth was that about?'

  Sabyn, still chuckling explained, 'Gredel is recently married and his father-in-law gave him a hard time about talking to other women. The old man’s incredibly protective of his women, especially Citaan.' Sabyn winked. 'You’re the fourth woman he’s done that to since his wedding.'

  I stared at him for a moment. 'Well, I’m glad it’s not just me.'

  Gathering the pile of stuf
f I wanted to wash, I queried the direction to the river and Rumal showed me the track.

  Before I headed down it I asked, 'Are there any water creatures I should watch out for?'

  He shook his head. 'No, not in this area, you’ll be fine.'

  SABYN AND DARON exchanged a glance when Catherine headed off to the river. As their second in command Gredel usually stayed calm and ready. Then he’d met Citaan. It was odd in a way, he’d never appeared to really notice women before, probably the reason Elena had assigned him as Citaan’s bodyguard when the Sorceress sent Citaan into the Scrodian Mountains. After that short, week-long trip, the change in their friend had stunned them. From a man who’d looked to be a life-long bachelor to a man so smitten he’d take every word his father-in-law said as absolute fact.

  Sabyn shook his head; he liked Gredel’s wife and so did the other guys, but he couldn’t understand why Gredel’s brain seemed to stop functioning at the thought of her.

  Muttering under his breath he followed Daron into the bush after Gredel.

  THE TRACK QUICKLY led to the river and I dropped my stuff near the edge. Kneeling, I dunked my top in the water and scrubbed it full of soap, smiling when I heard splashes further out in the water; Audi’s such a water baby and as long as it’s by choice rather than me giving her a bath she’ll swim anywhere. I swished the top under the water, rinsing the soap out. The splashes got closer and I glanced up.

  Alek stood in the middle of the river the water lapping mid thigh on him.

  I froze, heart thudding loudly in my ears as I stared open mouthed; I don’t think I’d ever seen such a fantastic male specimen in real life before. He’d shoved his blue-black hair back from his brow. My eyes traced from his forehead to the five o’clock shadow of a beard and down the strong jaw line to his throat, where the water ran in rivulets down that taut muscular body. My eyes locked on the drips that fell from the dark hair of his chest down to his smooth belly, inching closer to the white, almost see-through shorts.

  ALEK STARED AT Catherine in surprise, he’d thought all the women would have slept for a few more hours at least. About to call out a greeting, he stopped when he noticed her slack jawed expression.

  SUDDENLY I COULD make out the rational voice in my head.

  It shrieked at me; stop STARING! He’s looking right at YOU!

  My eyes jerked up to dark blue ones that regarded me in amusement, a black eyebrow arched high, lips curved in a cheeky smirk.

  Oh my god!

  And in the manner of any intelligent, attractive, level headed female who’s been caught out… I promptly blushed beetroot, muttered something unintelligent and snatched my things before bolting for the tent. I hurtled past Daron heading toward the river.

  ALEK STARED AFTER Catherine. She’d turned a rather remarkable shade of red then run off. Not far off the color of her hair, Alek mused in amusement. She’d obviously approved of what she’d seen; he chuckled at the recollection of shock in those wide green eyes when she realized he watched.

  'ALEK! WHAT’D YOU do to Catherine?' Daron arrived at the end of the track, concerned after seeing the flame faced woman sprint past him. Alek smirked.

  Uh oh, thought Daron, I know that look.

  He stopped on the track and gave Alek a look of his own.

  'Explain. Now.'

  Alek arched an eyebrow at Daron’s tone.

  'I did nothing to her,' he struggled to keep a straight face. 'She didn’t notice me swimming here and seemed a bit,' he paused and shot Daron a crooked grin. '…surprised to find me.'

  Daron envisioned the scene and gave a snort of amusement. 'You do know your shorts are see-through when wet, Alek.'

  'You know, I think Catherine noticed that.' Alek grinned then shrugged. 'I thought they’d sleep for a few more hours, didn’t think I’d need to worry about company.'

  I BURST INTO the tent scaring Lucky off my cot and dropped on to it, burying my face in my pillow.

  Oh God, oh God, fuck—fuck—fuck! I can’t believe I just did that!

  'CAT, WHAT’S WRONG?' Loi leaped out of her bed and rushed over to Cat who’d just thrown herself on a bed, her face flushed with what looked like alarm. Cat mumbled into her pillow.

  'Cat, we can’t understand you.'

  Kassie and Sian joined her by Cat’s bed and Sian stroked her trembling back. She sat up, looking as though she might laugh or cry.

  THE GIRLS STARED at me in concern.

  'Are you okay?' Kassie hesitantly asked.

  I nodded my head then shook it. 'Yes…No…Ohh I’m so embarrassed.' I buried my face in my hands for a moment then took a deep breath. 'I went to the river to wash my clothes.' The others nodded, faces intent while they listened. 'And as I washed my top I heard a splash. I thought it was Audi. I looked up and it was Alek. He was basically naked in the water and I stared and he saw and oh my God, I feel like such an idiot.' I didn’t think my face could get any hotter while Sian, Kassie and Loi stared at me.

  'What do you mean—practically naked?' Sian asked curiously, her lips trembling with suppressed laughter.

  'White shorts,' I snapped. 'Wet white shorts.' I glared at Loi who silently rocked with laughter, tears running down her cheeks.

  Kassie had a wide smile. 'And he caught you staring?'


  All three of them did the silent laughter now. Until their breaths ran out that is.

  'Oh—My—Goodness,' gasped Kassie. 'I would have LOVED to have seen that.'

  Sian, wheezing with laughter, nodded. 'Oww it hurts,' she gasped. 'My stomach.'

  Loi made funny squeaky noises while she fought for breath. I, on the other hand, simply sat there getting hotter and hotter.

  KASSIE MANAGED TO catch her breath and glanced up to notice Cat’s rather spectacular red face. 'C’mon, Kitty Cat,' she teased which made Cat’s eyes narrow to green slits. 'Isn’t it just the littlest bit funny?'

  Cat stared at her for half a second longer and then started to laugh. Kassie chuckled and climbed on to the cot beside her. This wasn’t the best idea because it promptly collapsed and caused the hilarity to reach new levels.

  OUTSIDE GREDEL STARED suspiciously at the tent as hysterical laughter wafted out from within it. He felt somewhat stupid after Daron and Sabyn talked to him, he hadn’t realized it until they’d pointed it out. It wasn't like him to act so daft, then to have to have his friends point it out? An embarrassed flush climbed unpleasantly up his neck. He grumbled and sighed then stomped over to Phroma, leaning against the violet winged griffon.

  Phroma arched her head down toward him. ‘What’s wrong, friend?'

  Gredel gave her a smile. ‘I miss Citaan,’ he sighed again. ‘And I don’t know what the guys are doing and I can’t leave those cackling creatures alone to find out.’ He glowered at the tent.

  Phroma made a soothing noise, ‘We’ll see Citaan soon and I’ll ask Loushka what the others are up to.'

  Gredel waited patiently while Phroma chatted with Loushka. As a griffon rider he’d been linked to Phroma from his birth and from puberty had been able to communicate with her via telepathy. The bonus with telepathy meant you could share images as well as thoughts and Phroma showed Gredel the image of Catherine’s astonished face.

  Looks like I'm not the only one to make a fool of myself, Gredel thought and he roared with laughter, loud enough to startle those in the tent into silence while he watched the flustered redhead run off down the track.

  WHEN WE SETTLED down the others grabbed the things they wanted to wash. The girls had decided to come with me to wash their gear and this time we’d inform the guys we didn’t require any entertainment.

  Kassie winked at me. 'No matter how attractive huh, Cat?'

  I fought back a smile and growled at her, 'Enough. I’m trying to look normal here instead of resembling a tomato.' The others grinned at that.

  'Ready, Cat?' asked Loi, her eyes dancing in amusement.

  'As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this over with.'

  We walked out to the breakfast area toward the men and they all gave low bows when we approached. When they straightened up I could see they resisted the urge to laugh. I fought the urge to blush, failed, and turned to Alek. 'I trust you are done with swimming at the moment?'

  His lips twitched slightly and he gave another bow. 'Indeed, allow me to return the dagger you dropped.' Alek gravely handed over the weapon.

  With my face flaming I accepted the dagger with what little dignity I had left while trying not to laugh. 'Thank you.'

  SIAN WATCHED WHILE the couple exchanged polite chit chat along with Cat’s dagger. I wonder how long it’ll last, she thought. Cat’s awful at holding back laughter and if she chomps on the inside of her cheek any harder she’ll bite through it. Sure enough Cat gave a gasp and doubled up. With a concerned expression Alek reached for her but before he got there she’d sunk to the ground in helpless laughter and caused them all to start again.

  IT LOOKS LIKE Gredel got over his own embarrassment, Daron thought, watching him laughing with Kassandra. Sian, the petite blonde, held one hand delicately in front of her mouth while she giggled, tears streaming down her face.

  I GRABBED ALEK’S outstretched arm and pulled him down beside me while I tried to contain the hiccups I’d developed. 'I’m ‘hic’ so sorry! ‘hic’ I didn’t mean to stare ‘hic’ you do have a rather ‘hic’ good figure by the ‘hic’ way and ‘hic’ hey, I’m only human.' I leaned against him while I hiccuped and laughed, trying to catch my breath.

  Alek stared down at me in astonishment. 'You are a remarkably honest woman.'

  I laughed. 'Yep. And just try shutting me up.'

  He laughed then. 'I seem to have discovered one way to leave you lost for words.'