The Arrival (Birthright Trilogy #1)
Catherine (Cat, Kitty-Cat)—One of the four main girls Fire
Sian (Sianny, Sianus)—One of the four main girls Water
Kassandra (Kassie, Kass)—One of the four main girls Air
Laura (Loi)—One of the four main girls Earth
Audrey (Audi) & Lucky—Cat's huntaway dog and Kassie's tortoiseshell cat
Alek—Head of Griffon Guard - Rides a griffon named Loushka
Daron—Member of Griffon Guard, rides a griffon named Nesha
Sabyn—Member of Griffon Guard, rides a griffon named Tomiar
Rumal—Member of Griffon Guard, rides a griffon named Kerak
Gredel—Member of Griffon Guard, rides a griffon named Phroma
Citaan—Gredel's wife
Elena—The Sorceress of Elion
Yakov—The late King's advisor
Lieutenant Ignatius—A Lieutenant of the General Guard
Lieutenant Rashid—A Lieutenant of the General Guard
Lieutenant Patel—A Lieutenant of the General Guard
Ada—The castles fabricer
Jenviet—The Sorceress of Vo'Arum (also known as The South)
A note to the reader, this book utilizes multiple points of view. A full line space between text denotes a change in point of view.
SMACK. I winced as my back hit the mat and inwardly cursed.
Bugger, feels like I bruised my spine again, yippee.
Ignoring the ache, I grappled with Nathan. Like hell I’d let him win this one. Hooking my leg around his as he worked on getting me into a shoulder lock, I flipped him using his bent elbow to my advantage. It didn’t go as I intended. The bastard went with the roll so we tumbled right over with me on the bottom again.
'Awww is little Kitty Cat stuck?' Nathan smirked.
Jerking my right knee up I snatched at his collar and wrenched, leaving my other leg slack so we rolled over. He gave a yelp of surprise as he slammed into the mat. A very satisfying sound. Moving to lock his arm, I wasn't quick enough. With a snatch, he grabbed both my arms and I was back at the beginning. On the mat, with his face in mine.
Knee to the groin, suggested the silly voice in my mind.
Catherine, my rational voice was stern, use what you were taught, no cheap shots.
'Cat’s down!' hollered Sensei as he tracked the grappling pairs in the room.
Like hell I am, growled both voices and I wrapped my legs around Nathan’s hips. The look of shock on his face amused me, even more so when I gave him a suggestive smile, arching my eyebrow.
Cheap shot? Not if he fell for it. He didn’t register what I was up to until his head connected with the mat. I smirked down at him.
Sensei had a wide smile as he called, 'Catherine wins.'
Nathan scowled at me.
'Get off, would you?'
I stood and sauntered to the side, joining Kassie as we watched the final pairs fight. Tonight I’d won all three of my fights.
Not quite as good as Loi. I watched as she brought Daniel down to the mat hard enough that he yelped in pain. Sometimes the two inch mats didn’t feel that thick. I felt a pang of sympathy for him.
'Laura wins, making her this evening’s champion,' Sensei crowed in triumph. Kassie and I hollered, clapping for Loi as she stood, ever graceful, and walked our way. Most of the guys in the room had rueful smiles as they joined in the applause.
'I can’t believe you’re letting yourselves get beaten by girls,' Sensei shook his head in mock distress. 'What will I tell the other sensei at the meet?'
'That you train Amazons,' Jason, the class smart ass, quipped back.
Actually that was a good description for Laura, though I didn’t think you’d see many Amazons with Scottish accents. Five foot eight, with a figure like a pin-up girl and thick black hair to her waist, Loi made most people look twice.
'What’s the magic word?' demanded a saccharin sweet voice, interrupting my thoughts.
The three of us, along with those sitting out, turned to look. There was Sian, the fourth of our quartet, with Grant beneath her tiny thighs.
For some reason Grant felt the need to be stubborn when tapping out with Sian. It may be due to her dainty appearance. Sian was the blond in our group and just adorable to look at. Dainty and precious, more like precocious, truth be told, she scraped in at just five foot like Kassie. But while Kassie had a curvy busty figure, Sian was petite in every sense of the word; except personality.
Our poor sensei didn’t know what hit him when the four of us began coming to class. It was a serendipitous act of fate that the four of us moved to Wellington within six months of each other. This dojo was the only one in the region that offered black belt classes which suited our needs. We’d all began jujitsu, Brazilian style, for various reasons years ago. It was rather surprising that we hadn’t met earlier.
A yelp and frantic thumping signaled Grant’s submission. Sian wore a demure smile as she made her way to us. After a debrief from sensei, class was dismissed and we walked to my jeep in the parking lot.
'I’m getting really sick of Andrew,' Kassie grumbled as she climbed in the back seat.
'Why?' Sian hopped in the other side.
'He keeps teasing me about being old.'
The pout on Kass’s face was adorable, Loi and I started laughing.
'Kass, you’re only twenty seven. Andrew’s just some stupid twenty one year old who knows nothing.'
'Hey. Not all twenty one year olds are stupid,' Loi gave me a look.
Sian chuckled from the back. 'Boys are three years behind in maturity levels. He has to pick on you, 'cause Loi would squish him.'
True, thought Kassie, settling back in her seat.
Such a pity he won’t try, I’d love to watch her squish him. Cat took a left at the lights and pulled up at Loi’s apartment.
'Oh I forgot,' Loi exclaimed. 'We’ve been invited to a costume party at Brad’s next weekend. He’s just graduated.'
Brad was a workmate of Loi’s. Kassie had seen him once or twice before, a tall, broad guy if she remembered right.
'Theme?' demanded Sian.
'Fantasy. I thought I’d pop over tomorrow morning and we’d check out the store?'
The store was The Hand Me Down Princess, a second hand shop we frequented. I nodded along with the others.
'I’ll be up early, why not come over around nine?'
Kassie and Sian groaned while I grinned at Loi.
'The early morning will be good for them.'
She laughed and waved at us as she went inside.
Kassie grumbled, 'Nine? Not all of us are early birds, Cat.'
I pulled into the driveway and Lucky, Kassie's cat, greeted us at the door with loud meows. Audrey, my dog, whined at the back door and I went to feed her while the others snagged the showers.
My detestable alarm blared and I scrambled to shut it up. Silencing it, I flopped back into bed, tempted to roll over and go back to sleep. My plan however was foiled, by a large lump wedged behind me.
'Audrey,' I growled.
The dog whined, wagging her tail, she knew full well the bed was out of bounds.
'Get off!'
She tumbled off the bed then did a silly frantic run around the room. I sat up and glared at her.
Huntaways; they’re adorable dogs, very smart and loyal and the cutest puppies you’ll ever see, but neurotic. Casting another glare her way I climbed out of bed and found my running gear.
A little while later and I made my way to the kitchen with Audi urging me on. Kassie was bent over the dishwasher as I ent
ered and all I saw was her mass of dark curls.
'Morning early bird,' I drawled as I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
Her head snapped up at my entrance her hazel eyes peeking out from amongst the curls.
'Cat, I thought you were out already?'
'Nope. Nearly though, I’ll be back by eight thirty so it should give me enough time to get ready.'
'It better. It’s all your fault I’m up at seven on a Saturday and I don’t want to have to wait around for you.'
She gave me a steely look as she ducked back toward her bedroom with Lucky draped around her shoulders.
No wonder Andrew’s teasing her about being old, she sounds like my mother. I wrinkled my nose at her retreating form. It was almost hard to believe she was only two years older than me. Audrey whined impatiently.
'Coming,' I swallowed the last of my banana and snatching her leash and my parka from the hook, clipped her on and off we went.
By the time we returned Sian was up and had cooked a yummy big breakfast, bacon, eggs and hash-browns. I raced for the shower with my stomach rumbling. Audi disappeared looking for Lucky. They adore each other and are often together. While rinsing my hair out, I heard Loi yell.
'Hellooo? Anyone up yet?'
I stepped out of the shower and hurriedly dried off and dressed. It was quiet in the kitchen when I entered, everyone focused on eating and grabbing a plate I joined them.
An hour later and we trawled through the racks at the shop. Holding anything of interest up so the others could comment.
'How bout this?'
We turned, Kassie held a cute plaid skirt up for us to see.
I wonder who she's thinking of. I stared at the skirt, trying to recall a fantasy character who wore one.
'As who?' I called.
'A schoolgirl.'
Sian, Loi and I started laughing.
'Not that sort of fantasy, Kass. Think make-believe or fairytales.'
Loi shook her head and winked at me.
Kassie was born in Malaysia so English was her second language and occasionally things got lost in translation.
'What are you thinking?' Sian called to me from a couple of rows over.
'Maybe an elvan character? Like from Lord of the Rings,' I frowned as I looked over a couple of pieces.
'I’m not sure if I’ll go as a particular character, I think I’ll just make it look fantasyish. Good thing I have the boots already.'
A groan rose from the three of them and I feigned innocence.
'What? They’re the perfect style.'
'We’re gonna have to bury you in those boots aren’t we, Cat?' Kassie said sarcastically.
'Yes and I expect an open casket so everyone can admire them.' I wrinkled my nose at her.
Sian started laughing.
'Oh God I just had the best visual of you as a little old lady in a coffin with a mini-skirt and thigh-highs.'
'What if we just got them cremated and put in a box beside you?' suggested Loi with a wicked gleam.
'Not all of us are five eight, Miss Loi. I like my legs looking long and slim.'
Not that I could complain when standing next to Kass and Sian, at five foot five my legs are pretty decent. My gorgeous black suede, thigh high boots however, make them look that much longer; and sexier. They’re my guaranteed head turner.
'Well then how about this?'
Sian glanced up, wondering what Kassie had found this time. A deep red dress hung from the hanger, it was strapless and knee length with a split up one leg.
'That’s gorgeous,' Cat said excitedly. 'I know. Jessica Rabbit. We can dye her hair red.'
'Don’t want to be the only red-head?' teased Loi.
Cat gave her a look.
'I love being the only red-head thank you. But I’m too tall for that size.'
It’d be nice to be too tall for something, thought Sian. Most the time she had to shop in the children section. Actually I might have to do that, she thought as she looked at the few items left in the size six section. Then she spotted it.
Hell yes!
'Look,' squealed Sian. 'Lookee!'
Loi stared at the item Sian clutched at, gushing in delight. A pleather romper suit.
What the heck is she going to do with that? Loi’s mind went blank in astonishment. Out of the four of them Sian always had the most daring and usually sexy costumes.
But this?
'Siany,' Loi hesitated. 'What are you going to do with it?'
Sian stared at the three gob smacked faces of her friends.
What's their problem? She looked at the item with fresh eyes. No. Surely they wouldn’t think she’d actually wear it like that to the party?
Sian gave us a look. It read, "you’re idiots".
'I’m going to turn it into a death dealer’s costume.'
'Oooohh,' We chorused in recognition
'Awesome idea,' I enthused.
Sian loves the Underworld movies, it was perfect for her. I threw the items I’d selected in Loi’s trolley and went to help Sian look for leather pieces to create the corset.
'Hurry guys,' Kassie called. 'We’ve got an hour before class starts.'
Ugh. Jujitsu on a Saturday. This was what happened when you had too many hobbies. They didn’t all fit into the work week.
Later that evening while Kassie and Sian watched some hospital drama on T.V, I sketched ideas for my costume and Loi’s. Loi had found a stunning pair of black leather pants at the shop and decided to go as Anna from Van Helsing. Which meant Sian and I, as the sewers in the group, got to turn a heavy, red velvet skirt into “Anna’s” jacket. The design wasn’t that hard, I just wanted to emulate the look not copy it, so now I frowned over the sketches of my own costume.
Not too bad, perhaps if I shape the shoulders more, give them a racer-back look to show off my back. I enhanced the lines with my pencil.
Perfect, it’ll stop my upper arms looking chunky. Actually that would be a thought, armbands could look good too. The T.V flicked to a commercial.
'That new doctor is so cute.' Sian sighed. 'Why aren’t there any guys like that around here?'
'The guys around here are scrawny enough to make you look fat,' replied Cat, her eyes glued to her sketch pad.
Kassie snorted.
'She’s right. What happened to all the built guys? I don’t want a guy who looks better than I do in skinny jeans.'
Guys, the decent specimens, had been scarce to the four of them lately. Sian pondered a solution as the show came back on.
Kassie leaned over and snatched one of Cat’s sketches. Loi’s jacket was going to look gorgeous, she thought, impressed.
'Siany, are you and Cat really going to make this?' Kassie glanced up.
There was no response as Sian stared at the screen, apparently mesmerized by a toilet cleaner commercial. Hmmm.
'Sian?' Still nothing.
'Sianus Rachel Price!'
Sian’s head snapped up, 'What?'
I giggled at Sian’s stunned expression.
'Where were you, Siany?'
'Yeah,' Kassie asked curiously. 'What were you thinking?'
'Boys. I mean an idea. How would you feel about casting a love spell?'
Huh. A love spell. Well that hadn’t occurred to me before, though Sian had practiced witchcraft for years now. Really, I should have expected it sometime.
'A spell?'
I tried not to sound too dubious.
Kassie looked confused.
'Do you want us to help?'
Sian resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
'Of course.'
'What sort of love spell?' Cat sounded unsure. 'Not one where we just have all the males of the species attracted to us? 'Cause that’s never been an issue.'
Catherine the modest, thought Kassie in amusement.
'No, nothing vague. Something to attract the right person for each of us,' Sian explained. 'The four of us actually cover the elements. I’m Cancer so water, you’re Leo, Ca
t, that’s fire; Kassie, you’re Gemini, air, and Loi’s Taurus, so earth. It’s perfect. We’ll really be able to make something happen.'
There was an audible pause as they digested this.
What the heck, thought Kassie, it was worth a shot. Seeing as Cat didn’t disagree, Kassie spoke up.
'You plan it, we’ll participate.'
Sian nodded enthusiastically and they settled back down to watch T.V while she jotted down notes.
I arrived at work first thing in the morning, even beating Anne, and did my usual mad dash around the office. Distributing mail, putting dishes away, cleaning the kitchen and made sure the meeting rooms were neat.
Once done, I grabbed my make-up bag and headed to the bathroom. In the midst of careful mascara application, the door burst open and I jumped.
'Sorry,' Emma said. 'I’m just running a bit late, did you have a good weekend?'
'Yeah, but it flew by as usual. We went shopping for fantasy pieces for a costume party we’re going to next weekend.'
'Oh fun. What will you wear?'
I explained the basic concept and mentioned my armband idea. She nodded with a thoughtful expression.
'Wait, wait, oh I remember. I saw stuff that would work for armbands in that ethnic store, the one by the second hand book shop.'
'Really? I’ll have to have a look at lunch.'
Great, hopefully there will be something suitable at the shop. Then it will just be Loi’s jacket left. With Sian busy on the corset for her costume I was pretty sure I would have to create the jacket.
At lunchtime I wandered up Cuba Street, peering through shop windows for inspiration. I came to the shop Emma mentioned and walked in.
'Can I help you?' queried the shop girl.
'I’m looking for something to finish off a costume,' I explained. 'Perhaps an armband? Or something ethnic looking? It’s for an elvan inspired costume, like from Lord of the Rings.'
'We have some things that would work. No wait, I know.'
She ducked out the back and retrieved an item.
'Would these work?'
In her hands was a pair of copper colored daggers in sheaths that could be strapped to your upper arms.